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C X2 Coaching

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Helpful Resources for Information About....
This page is for links to articles, information, tidbits, recommendations, suggestions, equipment, nutrition, anything we've come across or has been submitted to us that we think might be relevent and interesting for you to read more about.
**Please note that the information found in these articles, books, links, websites, etc. are for your information only. We do not specifically subscribe, advocate, or have any business or personal affiliation with the authors or owners of these sites, articles, books, supplements, etc. It is for your individual interpretation and information only.
If you are craving a change of pace but still want to maintain cycling fitness over the winter, take a break from busy asphalt roads and enjoy the quiet backdrop of trails and single track that Mountain Biking has to offer. If you are new to this style of riding, the following link has some helpful tips to keep you safe and get the most out of your time spent off the beaten path!
Mountain Biking Training for Beginners:
Racing Weight for Endurance Athletes
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